When playing tabletop RPG campaigns set in the worlds of these Weird Western RPGs, it's important (and more interesting) for the players and their game master to go beyond the stereotypical conventions so often attached to works of Wild West fiction (lest they mimic the antics of the shallow "Guests" from the TV series Westworld ). Related: Western Games Red Dead Redemption Fans Might Enjoy A lot of classic Wild West stories tend to romanticize and simplify what was a very complicated and messy part of American history, particularly 20th century Western films which glossed over the genocidal acts of government agents and settlers who pushed Native Americans off their land in the name of "Manifest Destiny." Not all cowboys were steel-eyed gunslingers, most frontier towns weren't lawless hell-holes, and Plains nations like the Lakota, Comanche, or Apache were people far more complex than the rote stereotype displayed on screen.