The character animations were stable (though I did have a few times I dropped through the ground for no apparent reason, one time fighting a captain. Most of the issues were from the environment, things like background settings just plonking themselves into frame often in poor resolution before it jarringly sharpened, things suddenly appearing/disappearing etc. And, unfortunately, this slowing wasn't as rare as you would hope. Many commented on the quality of the graphics but I did not rate it as highly, especially when the frame rate slowed from time to time. Another was the graphics - while great in some aspects (characters and cut-scenes), I saw many parts in the environment where it would flash about or be very grainy. I can't think of such a highly rated game that does this. While sounding like a small thing (nitpicking just about), it really detracted from the flow of the game, from if you were checking a survival challenge or pausing during a hectic moment to gather your wits. Every time you pressed it regardless of action taken, it took 5-10 seconds to return to play. One of my main annoyances was the long delay from the pause/map screen to the return of the gameplay.
I read quite a bit about this game and it got great reviews and little mention of these problems (even on PS3 specific reviews). As said above, I have it on PS3, so it may be different on other platforms. The main reason why I compare this to Origins (aside from controls/gameplay) is that is has numerous glitches and small faults that make things frustrating. The nemesis system adds definite difficulty and thus strategic planning on the players part. It has excellent voice acting and scripting. Unfortunately, while being better than Batman - Arkham Origins, it has numerous faults in common. Perhaps it is the association with Warner Brothers. I can see the similarities to AC but I found it has more in common with the Batman series, especially when it comes to controls and upgrades.
This game will get compared to the AC series and the Batman series.